Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday August 18, 2015- Vic Falls to Cape Town

After a great nights sleep, Felice and I ventured into town for some shopping. The locals were glad to see us ;-)

We returned to the hotel to pack and we had an 11 am pickup then a 30 minute trip to the Vic Falls airport. After the requisite bag wrapping in plastic ($5/bag- by the way I did not send photos of the comedic way Hayes and I wrapped our bags in the USA.) we checked in and went through security. This was the first and only shoe removal of the trip. We saw plenty of signs warning of the dangers of Ebola.

Our trip today is Vic Falls to Joburg with a two hour layover and then we head to Cape Town for a 8p arrival. We left 30 minutes late because the Captain informed us that they had to wait for some animals to clear the runway  before they could land in Vic Falls.

One interesting aspect of international travel is the pre flight insecticide spray. We've seen this several times as the flight attendant strides down the aisle spraying some toxic but nice smelling agent orange and we have to breath this stuff in.

Our hotel (The Queen Victoria) in the cape is great and we are adjacent to the wharf. We had a a very late Sushi dinner at Willoughby & Co. Sushi--so local and fresh---yummy!


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