Monday, August 17, 2015

Sunday August 16, 2015- Victoria Falls

Today we packed a lot in. We got a little bit of extra sleep and then headed to the falls at 9:30 where our guide gave us a one and a half hour tour.

We learned of Dr. Livingston's discovery of the falls and his love for this area. In fact, he asked that when he died that his heart be cut out and buried in Zambia and his body returned to England where it was buried in Westminster Abbey. 

Livingston is revered in at this point because he successfully petitioned the queen to end the slave trade between Great Britain and this area. 

The Zambezi river cuts through and forms Victoria Falls as well as the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is the longest and widest falls in the world. It's something to see as the pictures should well describe.

Dr. Livingstone, I presume??

We stopped to see the famous 1600 year old Bau-Bau tree where Livingston ate lunch and George Washington possibly slept there as well. We then went into town to the market where we did some great shopping. 

In Zim they use the US dollar as their main currency as well or other major currencies like the Euro and the South African Rand. This is due to the rampant inflation as evidence by hundred million dollar bills and trillion dollar bills that we saw that could be bought at the market.

Felice holds the Ten Trillion (yes you read that right --Trillion) Zim dollar. Wild inflation in '08-'09.

Lunch brought an interesting diversion as we ate at the lodge and they've introduced a new activity called vulture feeding. Felice, ever the raptor fan, got to go down and get a front row seat to watch the entrails being spilled out by a scared looking attendant.

After lunch we departed for a 15 minute helicopter tour of the falls. This was really exciting and a great vantage point to see that area. Richard spotted a golf course too. 

Next came the crowning achievement of the day as we took a canopy tour (Multiple Zip lines) overlooking the Zambezi river and the Victoria Falls Bridge. This nine station tour had some incredible views. 

Can you spot the low crescent moon?

We went to a traditional African buffet dinner. The Boma restaurant remind me of some of the buffets on a cruise ship. The drumming was fun and it was a good way to end a busy day. 

Love to all.

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