Sunday, August 9, 2015

Camp J Day 2 Sunday August 9th, 2015

Camp J - Sunday August 9th - Day 2
After coffee and tea and biscuits, we are out the door for a 3 hour morning safari. We are bundled up because it is winter and there are blankets in the nine-seater Range Rover Defender (RR). After last night, I am wondering, “how can you top that?” It did not take long. We started off spotting a bird called a long-tail Strike. Then we saw Giraffe, Blue Wildebeest and a Black Back Jackal. A Red Eye Starling then caught our attention.

Later Craig stopped the RR and asked, “how do you feel about death and gruesome things?” We all replied, “we are ok with it.” And then he showed us this:

That is a baby Giraffe leg, freshly killed. A lion got it for breakfast.
Then not 15 minutes later we saw our first White Rhino.

And yes, the photo is correct. White Rhinos (as well as black Rhinos) bear no semblance to their names. In fact, this is a Square Lip Rhino as opposed to the Hook Lip (Black) Rhino. Only the Square Lips (White Rhino) are in this park.

Then we spotted a Great Go Away Bird and took a close look at the Magic Gaurri Plant. So named for its many uses but the magic is when you throw it in a fire and it crackles. It is used as a broom, toothbrush and fire beater.

Down the road a bit, Craig turned off on something that might be described as a road and we saw a Lion! Wow. He is a 14 year old male with an awesome hairdo. He was taking a nap, likely because of his morning snack of baby Giraffe. Because he is napping the photo is pretty bad.

Craig stopped later and we got out of the RR and he showed us some fresh tracks and we learned how to distinguish one kind of track from another. He deftly handled some Giraffe droppings noting that Giraffe’s have a hard time drinking water so they extract water from the leaves they eat.

Looking up the road we say a tree moving—think Jurassic Park—and spotted another RR. We drove down to see three Elephants eating from a tree. If that wasn’t cool enough, we got to see two of the trees taken down by the elephants. Amazing. Hannah got a video of it too!

This 3 hour morning safari is coming to a close since we are bit famished but we stopped to see some warthogs—aptly named for the large warts on their faces that actually protect them in a fight and we see high in a tree the Lilac Breasted Roller—a very beautiful bird of many colors.

One interesting note is that none of the animals we saw except for the impalas seemed skittish in any way. The RR and the people are just a part of the habitat.

I just recalled we saw Zebras and Impala and Wildebeests at the watering hole.

Breakfast by Alex on our deck was wonderful. We discussed the afternoon plan with Craig. So after a 2 hour break it looks like this:
·        12:45 pick up for Elephant swimming
·        2p lunch/snack
·        4p Afternoon Safari
·        6p Sundowners
·        7p Elephant Safari
·        Night Safari
·        Dinner

And here are a few of my favorite other pics: 


1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!! thanks for sharing all of the great pictures. I can feel the excitement.
