Friday, August 7, 2015

First night in Africa--Saxon Hotel

The 15 hour flight form Atlanta was great. So many options on TV! We used a woman named Kerry Strayhorn from Charlotte to plan the trip. She is associated with Personal Africa .

This whole safari idea came about when David Neill (FCDS classmate and YPOer) went on a YPO Safari University. His guide (Nik P) on that trip was starting a new safari business and David, being the nice guy that he is, invited him to WS to meet his buddies to help him book some trips. We saw a slide how and I fell in love with the idea and booked him that evening for a trip. That was 3 years ago.

We were not able to go that summer and when I emailed him in January, he was booked. He put me in touch with another friend of his and then we looked at some other folks. Kerry was recommended by our friends the Closes. In the small world of NC, Kerri's in-laws, are from WS and took many a Buena Vista-er on trips all over  the world. Kerry is South African but now lives in CLT.

SO Kerry planned this great trip and although we could have stayed in an airport hotel, we drove 40 minutes to this amazing place, the Saxon Hotel. Nelson Mandela stayed here after his return from Exile and wrote his memoirs. Not it is off to dinner and sadly we have to leave this great place tomorrow,

Dinner update- RB has springbok--gamey and good. Felice-BBQ Ostrich. Hayes- They were out of pork belly so he had to settle for lamb. Hannah had salmon.

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