Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday August 14th, 2015--PM-- Ivory Sands- Last Game Drive

For the PM Game drive
We depart for our last drive and we have had The pleasure of a 6 passenger RR to ourselves but only because the hotel was not that full.

So we are joined by honeymooners Meg and Matt from Hong Kong. Half the people at the lodge are honeymooners.

We are not on the road 10 minutes and the RR in front of us stops to observe a mess of tracks on the dirt road. We determine that a mongoose had attacked a snake.  They look for a while and find a half eaten snake. I photo bomb my friend Lawrence's picture.

We spot a Blue Waxbill and then to see if we can find the second most endangered carnivore (behind the Ethiopian wolf) , the Africa Wild dog aka painted dog--which is really a wolf. But alas they are not in their den. So we take a rough drive and look in the living room and viola.

We find 7 adults and a litter of 13 pups. So cute. They squeak rather than bark. Watch the video.

 We watch these guys for a while and then we head out to look for more game. As my loyal readers know, the bush has been kind to us with a huge variety of game and settings. The Sabi had one more for us.

We spotted a young male lion on the move and caught him and a beautiful sunset.

Yes, he roars!

Here is mama lion and her cubs again...

We stopped for cocktails (Mom--I have been drinking Tanqueray!).

One last stop was to go visit our Leopard friend and see how she was progressing on the Impala. Look at the pics at your own peril.

We had a great last dinner with Dumay and the couple from Hong Kong. A Hyena tried to crash the party but we sent it away. We have a 4:30 wake up call sad ;-(


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