Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thursday August 13, 2015 - Ivory Sands

We set out on our 7 am game drive (returned at 10:45).

We first went and found a Hyena and her two pups. One was nursing and the other was a curious pup. It is unusual to find them in a den, under a rock, like this.

As we drove on we saw a small herd of 3 elephants. This one was chewing the bark of a stick. They use their flat molars to roll it out. 

Then Dumay took us off road (he never tells us what we are going to see in case it is not there when we arrive) and as I looked up into a tree, the first thing I saw was an Impala carcass. 

The next thing I noticed was the Leopard with the split lip (they call him pale one, I call him Eddie Money). Dumay surmised that he stole this dinner based on the level of eating that had been done and the fact we saw Eddie yesterday in the stand off with the other leopard.

A Hyena stays close by in case any juicy bits might fall

Yes, they have squirrels here too.

Felice told Dumay that it was interesting that we had not seen any Giraffe at Lion Sands. Not 20 minutes later we saw this pair. The guy (taller and darker) was after the gal.

We stopped for coffee and juice and a snack. Then we took a great one hour bush walk where Dumay pointed out many interesting things. This warthog skull and its ivory tusk among them.

After our walk as we headed back in the RR we saw Cape Buffaloes. These call dudes have a cool cap.

We saw lots of amazing birds and used Dumay's bird calling app to talk to them. 

We skipped breakfast and are taking a break before lunch and the 3:30 afternoon game drive. 

Directly after the drive, we are going to spend the night in the famous Ivory Sands Tree House so I will catch up with you tomorrow. 

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